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07 APR

The beginning of commercial quantum technology

So far, quantum physics has mainly been a theoretical discipline. Now, a major EURO 10,7 million investment by Innovation Fund Denmark will further develop the mysterious...

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics Sensors Systems and data security Health and diseases
Photo: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
23 FEB

Young researchers receive millions from the Danish Council for Independent Research

Eight researchers receive a total of DKK 19.6 million to boost their research. The postdoc grants will be allocated to research in the categories ‘Technology and Production...

Materials Lasers Micro and nanotechnology Electronics Optics Health technology Health and diseases Biotechnology Materials technology
Foto: Bjørn Lymann Jespersen
20 FEB

Unge forskere modtager millioner fra Det Frie Forskningsråd

Otte forskere modtager i alt 19,6 millioner til at styrke deres forskning. Postdocbevillingerne går til forskning i kategorierne ”Teknologi og Produktion” og ”Sundhed...

Materials Lasers Micro and nanotechnology Electronics Optics Health technology Health and diseases Biotechnology Materials technology
EXMAD diamanter
11 DEC

Diamanter skal spore sygdomme i hjernen

Forskere fra DTU Fysik har netop modtaget 14 mio. DKK fra det Strategiske Forskningsråd til udviklingen af bittesmå diamantsensorer. Sensorerne kan måle meget små ændringer...

Electrotechnology Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics Micro and nanotechnology Health technology Medical equipment and systems

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